Basic Eye Care Tips for Maintaining Good Eyesight


Skin care, oral care- there are thousands of articles on these topics and products are always being marketed for them. But maybe, there’s a part of the body we are all neglecting to care for. This is, of course, the eyes. They’re extremely important. After all, without them, you couldn’t read this article unless you had some pretty advanced equipment.

Staying on top of your eye health will mean the difference between seeing your later years in crystal clear 20/20 vision or being plagued by cataracts and wearing some hardcore glasses.

Taking care of your eyes isn’t a huge undertaking, however. A few small tips will go a long way towards keeping your peepers in excellent condition.

Get Eye Exams Regularly

At least once a year, but preferably every 6 months, you should go to an eye care professional like an ophthalmologist or optometrist to get a dilated eye exam. Small prescriptions (blemishes) in the cornea can be found early and treated before they become a bigger issue during these exams. Additionally, you’ll also get a good idea of how your vision is changing over time.

While the standard “1 or 2” and reading from a board test will probably be part of a dilated eye exam, you will also have drops placed in your eyes to dilate them. From there, the doctor will be able to look into the back of your eyes for any signs of damage or disease.

Undergo Regular Physical Exam

There are certain health conditions that can increase your risks of getting eye problems in the future. The list includes high blood pressure and high blood sugar. Those two conditions are closely linked to macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and eye strokes.

Additionally, try to know your family history. If you are over the age of 65 or you are an African-American over the age of 40, you should see your eye doctor early.

Get Proper Distance From Screens

As fun as it was as a kid to sit on the living room floor and watch cartoons, you should know by now to have enough sense to sit far enough from your TV.

For TV screens, the general rule of thumb is that you should sit at least five times the width of your screen away from the said screen. If you don’t, you might have to look into the benefits of SMILE eye surgery, also known as LASIK surgery, to get the problem fixed.

The rule isn’t as hard and fast with computers, but you should consider whether or not you’re causing unwanted strain on your eyes by how close you’re sitting.

Closely Observe for Changes in Your Vision

If you notice changes in your vision, there’s a good chance that something’s going wrong with your eyes. In case you suddenly experience difficulty seeing in low light or you experience double vision or hazy vision, don’t think twice about getting your eyes checked. Frequent flashes of light, red eyes, eye pain, and swelling are clear signs of problems in your eyes, too.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking contributes to nearly every eye-related condition under the sun, from prescriptions to cataracts to glaucoma. Choosing to butt out can save your eyes as well as your heart and lungs.

Take Breaks From Computers

Make sure to take a break of at least 20 seconds every two hours you’re on the computer. Giving your eyes a small break to recharge will reduce the amount of strain they experience. You should try and focus on something very far away, like the opposite end of the room.

Wear Sunglasses

Believe it or not, your eyes need protection against the sun’s harmful UV rays, too. So, on top of investing in a good sunscreen, you should also consider buying a good pair of sunglasses. It can greatly reduce your risk of pinguecula, cataracts, and other eye problems.

Put on Your Eyeglasses

Most people with low to moderate vision loss often forget to wear their eyeglasses. If you are guilty of that, you can end up with tension headaches and jaw clenching which can cause a bit of discomfort in the long run.

Eat a healthy diet

For your eye health, load up your diet with foods high in antioxidants. Great examples include dark green vegetables and fruits. Fishes rich in omega 3 fatty acids are great to include in your diet, too. They can reduce your risk of having macular degeneration.

All Eyes On You

Those tips are just basic reminders on how to keep your eyes in tip-top shape. Having a proper diet with lots of vitamin C and beta-carotene (think carrots) is yet another lifestyle choice that will ensure your eyesight stays perfect for many years to come. Staying healthy means having a comprehensive plan for your entire body, so don’t forget about the eyes.