5 Amazing and Inspirational Videos for Nurses To Start Your Year Right

inspirational videos for nurses

We came upon these inspirational videos for nurses (and just about anybody who’s alive) when we were putting together some excellent TED talks about nursing, medicine, and the health care industry. As we are wont to do, we ended up getting lured to click on “related videos” and stumbled upon these AMAZING videos that are simply inspirational.

We’re so excited to share the videos below. There are a gazillion videos on YouTube and while the trend is to come up with really long lists for readers, we decided to shortlist our choices to just these 5 videos. (We know how busy you are, mate!)

Have fun, learn and be inspired!

My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns

Duration: 12:44 mins

Sam Berns has Progeria, an extremely rare genetic disease that ages children rapidly. (Ironically, Sam’s parents are both pediatricians.)

And while regular human beings around the planet are getting depressed over how they look or their problems at work or at school, Sam cheerfully navigates the challenges that surround his life with Progeria. Despite his disease and his appearance, Sam is (or was) a genuinely happy person.

Listening to Sam is a revelation. His talk is intensely thought-provoking and will make you question some very basic things about yourself.

If you can only listen to one video on this list, make it Sam’s “My Philosophy for a Happy Life“.

Also Read: 7 Best TED Talks for Nurses

Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend

Duration: 14:28 mins

Very few people are strangers to stress. We know how stress affects our bodies. It can manifest in panic attacks, palpitations, and a handful of other physical ways. And while we’re feeling stress, we think at the back of our minds that surely, this much stress is shortening our life span. It’s making us sick and it’s killing us.

Kelly McGonigal talks about how such beliefs regarding stress can actually create that sickness. What she proposes is a complete 180. That instead of thinking as stress as the enemy, we think of it as a necessary friend and from there reap the benefits.

For nurses who have to contend with an inhumane amount of stress from nursing school to clinicals, learning how to make stress your friend rather than the enemy is very important. Find out how (and why) in Kelly’s talk!

How to stop screwing yourself over | Mel Robbins

Duration: 21:39 mins

What is your dream? Is there something you want that you keep on putting off? Has it been months or years even?

Listen to Mel Robbins and find out how you can get off your butt and make that thing that you want ACTUALLY come true. Learn about activation energy and how you can make it work for you.

Also Read: 11 Skill Videos Every Nurse Should Watch

Beatbox brilliance | Tom Thum

Duration:11:38 mins

Just to put this in perspective, we aren’t into beatboxing and it’s the same for many of the people in this audience. However, Tom Thum gets everybody crazily on their feet at the end of his presentation.

Watch, have fun, and be inspired!

Gratitude | Louie Schwartzberg

Duration:9:55 mins

Do you have a book or movie or painting that you keep going back to over and over again? Gratitude is that video for us and is one of our most favorite inspirational videos for nurses and all human beings.

Louie Schwartzberg is a director and cinematographer. Through his lens, he is able to share with us breathtaking images that show us the connections and beauty in the universe. Louie marries his amazing time-lapse photography with the equally amazing poetry of words from Brother David Steindl-Rast.

You think this is just another day in your life? It’s not just another day; it’s the one day that is given to you today. It’s given to you. It’s a gift. It’s the only gift that you have right now, and the only appropriate response is gratefulness. If you do nothing else but to cultivate that response to the great gift that this unique day is, if you learn to respond as if it were the first day of your life, and the very last day, then you will have spent this day very well.

Mindfullness and gratefulness. Watch this video and be inspired.

Also Read: 11 Viral Nursing Videos That Will Inspire You

While human beings learn from personal experiences, the right words at the right time from the right people can open doors to our consciousness. Some would call it synchronicity. What video or what words did that for you?

If you have inspiring videos for nurses you want to share, please tell us on our FB page and we’d gladly feature it in one of our lists!