NCLEX Review Questions — Test Yourself!

nclex review questions

This is part 1 of NCLEX review questions that can serve as a reviewer for new nurses planning to take the NCLEX examination . These are multiple-choice type questions consisting of 25-items that tests your knowledge on the basic topics in nursing such as Respiratory and Psychiatric Nursing, Cardiology and Oncology.

Veteran nurses, can you answer all of the below correctly?

Editor’s Note: Answer page is now available. Sorry for that, nurses!

NCLEX review questions: Respiratory

1. The nurse noticed that breath sound is diminished on both lung bases of the patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The patient also presented with rapid breathing, pale lips, and cold, clammy skin. Which of the following tests should the nurse expect the physician to order to determine if intubation is necessary?

a. Peak flow meter
b. Partial Oxygen Saturation in Arterial Blood Gas
c. Oxygen Saturation in Pulse Oximeter
d. Lung Function test

>>See answer and rationale<<

2. The nurse is assigned to monitor a patient who has a tracheostomy tube in place. During assessment, the nurse notes a pulsation in the tracheostomy tube and heavy bleeding from the stoma. The nurse understands that the patient has developed:

a. Tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF)
b. Tracheomalacia
c. Trachea-innominate artery fistula
d. Tracheal stenosis

>>See answer and rationale<<


3. The nurse is assigned to teach the patient regarding the use of inhalers with spacer. The nurse is correct to include the following information, EXCEPT: (Select All That Apply)

a. Inserting the mouthpiece of the inhaler into the non-mouth-piece end of the spacer.
b. Shaking the whole unit vigorously three to four times.
c. Pressing down firmly on the canister of the inhaler to release one dose of medication into the spacer.
d. Breathing in until a whistling sound is heard.
e. Holding breaths for 5 seconds after taking the medication.
f. Waiting at least 30 seconds between puffs.

>>See answer and rationale<<


4. The nurse is teaching the patient how to use a dry powder inhaler (DPI). Which of the following are correct instructions given by the nurse? (Select All That Apply)

a. Load the drug first by turning to the next dose of drug, or inserting the capsule into the device, or inserting the disk or compartment into the device.
b. Never wash or place the inhaler in water.
c. Shake your inhaler prior to use.
d. The drug is a dry powder that is why you will taste the drug as you inhale.
e. Never exhale into the inhaler.
f. Do not remove the inhaler from your mouth as soon as you have breathed in.

>>See answer and rationale<<


5. The patient is diagnosed with Tuberculosis. Combination drug therapy is prescribed by the physician. Which of the following information by the nurse regarding the therapy is correct?

a. “Ethambutol is the first recommended drug in the first line therapy.”
b. “The disease is usually no longer contagious after taking the drugs continuously for 7 days.”
c. “First line therapy shortens the duration of treatment from 6 to 12 months to 6 months.”
d. “Rifampin is the fourth drug added in the first line therapy.”

>>See answer and rationale<<


6. The nurse is teaching the patient regarding the action of Isoniazid (INH). Which of the following instructions is correct regarding Isoniazid (INH)?

a. Take the medication after meals and take antacid in case of gastrointestinal upset.
b. Teach the patient to avoid vitamin B-complex because it affects the absorption of the drug.
c. Alcoholic beverages are not contraindicated while on this drug.
d. Teach the patient to report darkening of the urine, a yellow appearance of the skin or whites of the eyes and an increased tendency to bruise or bleed.

>>See answer and rationale<<


7. The nurse is assigned to monitor the patient who is receiving continuous heparin drip to start anticoagulation and minimize growth of the existing clots to manage pulmonary embolism. Which of the following nursing interventions is appropriate for this patient: (Select All That Apply)

a. Administer salicylates.
b. Monitor platelets daily for thrombocytopenia.
c. Have the antidote vitamin k available.
d. Use firm toothbrushes.
e. Monitor partial thromboplastin time (PTT).
f. Re-bolus every time infusion is increased.

>>See answer and rationale<<


8. The patient is undergoing anticoagulation therapy for pulmonary embolism. The nurse is aware that there are two primary blood tests done to monitor this therapy: Partial Thromboplastin Time and Prothrombin Time. Which of the following information are correct regarding these two tests? (Select All That Apply)

a. The therapeutic range of partial prothrombin time for pulmonary embolism is 1.5 to 2.5 times than the normal value.
b. The therapeutic range of prothrombin time for pulmonary embolism is 11 to 12.5 sec.
c. International normalized ratio (INR) therapeutic range for pulmonary embolism is 2.5 to 3.0 or 3.0 to 4.5 for recurrent pulmonary embolism.
d. PTT is use to monitor warfarin therapy and PT is used to monitor Heparin Therapy.
e. Prolonged values of prothrombin time may signify that the patient is not receiving enough warfarin and an increase dose is usually indicated.
f. Prolonged times of partial thromboplastin time in patients with pulmonary embolism (>75 sec) indicates that the patient is at risk for serious spontaneous bleeding.

>>See answer and rationale<<


9. The physician diagnosed the patient with Class III Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. The nurse is aware that the characteristic of this condition is:

a. No manifestation at rest and mild to moderate physical activity induces dyspnea, fatigue, chest pain, or lightheadedness.
b. No or slight manifestation at rest and mild (less than ordinary) activity induces dyspnea, fatigue, chest pain or lightheadedness.
c. Dyspnea and fatigue is present at rest, unable to carry out any level of physical activity without manifestations, and manifestations of right sided heart failure apparent (engorged neck veins, dependent edema and enlarged liver).
d. Pulmonary hypertension diagnosed by pulmonary function test and right sided cardiac catheterization, no limitation of physical activity, and moderate physical activity does not include dyspnea, fatigue, chest pain or light headedness.

>>See answer and rationale<<

NCLEX review questions: Psychiatric

10. The nurse assigned at the psychiatric unit read a drug component with acetylcholine. Which of the following best describes the physiologic and mental effects of acetylcholine?

a. Pain perception and muscle relaxation
b. Stimulates the body’s fight or flight response
c. Regulates sleep and depressed mood states
d. Stimulates regulation of learning and memory

>>See answer and rationale<<


11. The nurse is caring for the patient with Delirium. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate nursing diagnosis for this condition?

a. Acute confusion
b. Chronic confusion
c. Sensory Perceptual Alteration
d. Risk for injury

>>See answer and rationale<<


12. The nurse is caring for the patient with Narcolepsy. Which of the following is TRUE about this condition?

a. Difficulty sleeping
b. Disruption of sleeping pattern
c. Has disrupted sleep leading to insomnia or excessive sleepiness that results to sleep related breathing condition.
d. Daytime attack of sleepiness

>>See answer and rationale<<


13. The patient called the nurse and states “I would like to know if the medicine named…wait, the name is on the tip of my tongue…” The nurse knows that this is type of consciousness is called:

a. Unconscious
b. Pre-conscious
c. Conscious
d. Transference

>>See answer and rationale<<


14. The nurse is caring for the patient who demonstrates Olfactory Hallucination. This is commonly seen in what condition?

a. Delirium
b. Schizoprenia
c. Seizure Disorder
d. Acute Alcohol Withdrawal

>>See answer and rationale<<


15. The granddaughter of the patient asked the nurse if it is normal for elderly people to feel sleepy despite sleeping for long hours. Which of the following conditions would the nurse suspect?

a. Somatoform Disorder
b. Malingering
c. Anxiety
d. Amnesia

>>See answer and rationale<<

NCLEX review questions: Cardiology

16. The patient with shock presented with complaints of palpitations and shortness of breath. Significant characteristic of the electrocardiogram (ECG) result shows an arterial rate of 290 beats/min, ventricular rate of 75 beats/min, 4:1 block and saw-toothed like appearance. The nurse knows that the patient has what type of atrial dysrhythmia?

a. Premature Atrial Complex (PAC)
b. Atrial Flutter
c. Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT)
d. Atrial Fibrillation

>>See answer and rationale<<


17. The patient who had undergone mitral valve replacement is preparing to be discharged. Which of the following statements indicate that the patient needs further teaching?

a. “I should avoid heavy physical work for 3 to 6 months.”

b. “I should notify all my health care providers that I have undergone valve replacement.”

c. “I can have any dental work 3 months after my surgery.”

d. “I should request antibiotic prophylaxis before and after invasive procedure or test if my physician forgot or did not offer it.”

>>See answer and rationale<<


18. The patient with respiratory infection develops acute pericarditis. The nurse understands that effective management of this condition should be done to prevent complications. Which of the following are appropriate interventions in caring for this patient? Select All That Apply.

a. Auscultate for a pericardial friction rub.

b. Provide anti-inflammatory agents as prescribed.

c. Inspect for other indications of cardiac tamponade such as collapse neck veins with clear lung, clear audible heart sound and increase in cardiac output.

d. Aspirin may be given to the patient.

e. Auscultate the blood pressure carefully to detect paradoxical blood pressure (pulsus paradoxus).

f. Assess the nature of the patient’s chest discomfort.

>>See answer and rationale<<


19. The nurse is conducting ward class for patients with heart problems. The nurse understands that when the cardiac output is normal or above normal and is caused by increased metabolic needs, it is classified as what type of heart failure?

a. Right-sided heart (ventricular) failure
b. High-output heat failure
c. Systolic ventricular dysfunction
d. Diastolic heart failure

>>See answer and rationale<<


20. The patient presents with a severe angina and ST-segment elevation on the electrocardiogram. In terms of diagnostic laboratory testing, the nurse expects the physician to order:

a. Creatinine kinase level
b. Hemoglobin (Hb) Level
c. Troponin level
d. Liver Panel

>>See answer and rationale<<

NCLEX review questions: Oncology

21. The patient with Gastric Cancer is complaining of pain with a scale of 3/10 and reported to be increasing in intensity. Which medication is most likely given to the patient?

a. Tylenol
b. Codeine
c. Hydrocodone
d. Morphine

>>See answer and rationale<<


22. The nurse in the palliative care unit is providing patient teaching on benign and malignant lesions. Which of the following factors primarily differentiates benign from malignant cancer lesions?

a. Size of the mass
b. Mode of growth
c. Presence of metastasis
d. Presence of a capsule

>>See answer and rationale<<


23. The nurse is instructing the patient about early detection of cancer. The nurse should instruct the patient to perform breast self-examination during:

a. The first day of every month
b. The first day of menstruation
c. Before menstruation
d. After menstruation

>>See answer and rationale<<


24. The nurse is caring for a patient with Hodgkin’s disease in the oncology department. The nurse knows that the following conditions are complications of this disease except:

a. Anemia
b. Infection
c. Myocardial Infarction (MI)
d. Nausea

>>See answer and rationale<<


25. The nurse is assigned to care for a patient with multiple myeloma (MM). Upon reviewing the patient’s chart, the nurse expects that which of the following laboratory values is abnormal early in the course this disease?

a. Immunoglobulins
b. Platelets
c. Red blood cells
d. White blood cells

>>See answer and rationale<<

We’ve got more NCLEX review questions for you in the coming weeks. Watch out for those!