28 Powerful Prayers for Nurses During a Global Health Crisis


When thinking of the most challenging professions in the world, being a nurse easily comes to mind. It takes a great deal of willpower, devotion, and sacrifice to be one. Every day they meet the afflicted, the hopeless, and the suffering. And, every day they give a piece of themselves to help patients ease their struggles and restore their hope.

Nurses help patients see a brighter horizon, something that goes beyond the power of medicine; because care and compassion are just as important. But just like anybody else, an overwhelming exhaustion and exposure to distressing events can make even the mighty nurses feel despair and hopelessness, especially with today’s global health crisis.

For those nurses who feel immense pressure during these uncertain times and those who feel dejected due to burnout, saying a prayer may help lessen the weight of the world. Words of encouragement and sentiments being reflected in prayers can be powerful to inspire nurses to keep their faith and remind them of the good that they do in this world.

Here’s a collection of uplifting prayers for nurses.

Self Prayer

Prayer for Guidance and Strength

Holy one, as we begin this day, I ask for your guidance.
With your divine hand, Inspire, lead and give thy wisdom.
Throughout this day, may your grace be ever present in this healing place.
Bless our team, our hospital, our unit, as we gather to help those in need,
Let not your help be far away.
We seek your strength and ask that you give spirit as we make decisions for the good.
God of love, teach us to give our best, to speak with love and act with courage.
May we be good stewards of all the gifts you have given. Amen.

prayer for guidance and strength

Prayer for Discernment

Dear God,
We come before you seeking guidance. We acknowledge that wisdom and power are yours; that you give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. You know what lies in darkness and light dwells with You. Please grant us your wisdom and knowledge in this situation. Please bring to light the things that should be known and guide us to the right next step. We ask for your peace as we wait for your leading and also the courage to take the next step when it is time for us to move forward.

prayer for discernment

Prayer for Healing During a Pandemic

Lord, we thank You for the blessings we see, even despite the chaos before us. Lord, please heal those who have been impacted by this virus. We offer this prayer for healing in hopes that these individuals will find reprieve from the illness. Please guide them, sustain them and show them Your face throughout their struggles. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

prayer for healing

A Nurse’s Prayer for God’s Healing Grace

As I care for those afflicted, I pray that my actions will create a difference to foster healing, my words to encourage and soothe the sick’s delicate body and weary mind.

In my hands, grant me your healing grace, dear Lord. Let your immeasurable love shine through everything I do. So those who are suffering may feel your divine grace.


a nurses prayer for gods healing grace

A Nurse’s Prayer for God’s Blessings

Give me strength and wisdom,
When others need my touch;
A soothing word to speak to them,
Their hearts yearn for so much.
Give me joy and laughter,
To lift a weary soul;
Pour in me compassion,
To make the broken whole.
Give me gentle, healing hands,
For those left in my care;
A blessing to those who need me,
Heed a nurse’s prayer, dear Lord.

a nurses prayer for gods blessings

A Prayer for God’s Gifts

Dear Lord, please give me strength,
To face the day ahead.
Dear Lord, please give me courage,
As I approach each hurting bed.
Dear Lord, please give me wisdom
With every word I speak.
Dear Lord, please give me patience,
As I comfort the sick and weak.
Dear Lord, Please give me assurance,
As the day slips into night.
That I have done the best I can,
That I have done what’s right.

a nurses prayer for gods gifts

A Nurse’s Short Prayer

I pray I do my part
to lift each downcast spirit
and to soothe each heavy heart.
May my touch being reassurance.
May my voice be soothing too,
May my gentle care remind them
Of the love they have in You.

a nurses short prayer

Prayer for a Day Well Done

Let me dedicate my life today,
in the care of those who come my way.
Let me touch each one with healing hand,
and the gentle art for which I stand.
And then tonight when day is done,
Let me rest in peace,
If I’ve helped just one.

prayer for a day well done

A Prayer for A Nurse’s Workday

Dear Lord, thou Great Healer.
May great strength and power flow through me,
and lend skill to my hands and vision.
Judgment to my mind and compassion to my heart.
Grant me the strength to minister to my Patients in their hour of suffering and travail.
Make me worthy, Oh Lord, of this saintly task.
And may I faithfully discharge my duties in deep humility,
worthy of the trust and faith placed in me. Amen.

a nurses prayer for her workday

Prayer for Compassion and Wisdom

Dear Lord,

As I care for my patients today, be with me.
Fill me with courage and understanding as I approach each one of them. Let me be a source of strength for everyone under my care and their families.

Bless me with knowledge, skills, and understanding so that I can provide the best care possible to my patients. Oh Lord, help me comfort them. Allow me to be a reflection of Your love.

And when I am starting to feel weary, be there for me. Help me remember the purpose of my vocation so that I may continue serving others.


a nurses prayer for compassion and wisdom

Prayers for Resilience

My God and my Father, I thank you for giving me the courage and the resilience to help people in their time of need. To contribute to my community and to my country, to help overcome this challenge, to be in the frontlines, with your grace. Bless me with your wisdom and strength as I continue to care for the sick, despite fear, despite fatigue. My faith is resolute as I fulfill my duty each day with your guidance and your love. Amen.

prayers for resilience

A Plea to Heal and Inspire

Dear Lord,

As the threat of this crisis challenges our way of life, I pray that I can bring comfort to those who are ill and help them battle this terrible disease. Show me how to instill hope while providing my patients with the best care to the best of my ability. Give me strength and energy, so I can continue to serve those who need me. I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

a nurses prayer to heal and inspire

Prayer for Protection and Comfort

God, please keep me and everyone in the frontlines safe as we offer everything that we are to overcome this crisis. We all need to be strong and fearless for our patients, our friends, and our family. Shower us with your unwavering love so that we are lifted whenever we are on the verge of exhaustion and despair. Help us see it through so that we remain strong for those who need us, in your name, our Almighty God. Amen.

nurses prayer for protection and comfort

A Nurse’s Prayer during Difficult Times

Dear Almighty Father, help me to perform my duty as a nurse with bravery and compassion. During this period of uncertainty, allow me to possess an unbreakable spirit to do my job with proficiency so I can help save lives.

Now more than ever, I need your light to guide me in this ordeal, light which I will pass to those losing hope. Let me have the vigor to work more so that I can do more for others. Strengthen my body, mind, and soul so that my patients can lean on me for healing and support.

That we ask in the name of our savior, Jesus Christ.

Prayers for Nurses

Prayer for the Protection of Nurses

Lord, please help the nurses and doctors working on the frontline of the global health crisis. I ask that You provide the peace only You can offer to these brave men and women. Please guide them and sustain them. In the difficult moments, please show Your face and shower them with the love that only You can provide. I pray for their protection amid this chaos. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

prayer for protection

Prayers for Peace and Courage

Dear Lord,
Today, we pray for your peace. We pray that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard the hearts and minds of all health care workers. We also ask for courage. We remember that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. Please, grant your spirit of courage. Grant us a sound mind as we make decisions. We pray for all the physicians, nurses, and health care providers involved in this situation. May they be blessed with the wisdom and grace needed to provide the best care possible.
In His name, Amen. 

prayers for peace and courage

Prayer for Comfort and Strength

Lord, we ask that you be with all the healthcare workers of this world. We know that you are there with them, fighting alongside them. And if you are with them, what can stand against them? We are comforted that you are there, beside them, in front of them, behind them, and we know you will provide strength. For that, we thank you. You are God, and you will prevail.

prayer for comfort and strength

Prayer for Rest and Renewal

God, I pray you would give the world’s healthcare providers and their families the rest they so desperately need. Lord, would you quiet their minds when it is time to sleep and let them rest in the faith and knowledge that you are in control. May they feel safe and secure, knowing that you have them and their patients in the palm of your hand and that you will carry their burdens.

prayer for rest and renewal

Prayer for Succor

Almighty God, hear our prayers for healthcare workers. We know that you created everything, and everything belongs to you. Your richness is beyond our imagination. And we know that you will provide for us, that you want nothing but the best for us. We pray to you, Father, that you would provide for our healthcare workers and that their needs would be met at this difficult time.

prayer for succor

Prayer for the Well Being of Nurses

Almighty Father, we pray for the well-being of our nurses. As humanity continues to get affected by this terrible disease, the nurses and all health care providers give everything they have to help ease the world’s suffering. Let your love and divinity shine upon them so that their spirits are restored. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

prayer for the well being of nurses

Prayer for the Safety of Nurses

Lord, please help our Nurses to continue bringing comfort to the sick. Give them courage during fearful times. May they bring hope to those who are in despair. Please shield them from sickness so that they will be able to continue in serving others. Amen.

a prayer for the safety of nurses

Daily Prayer for Nurses

Almighty God, You are our divine healer. As Nurses care for their patients today, guide them. Place Your healing touch on them. Give them patience and strength of heart to overcome all obstacles. Let Your love shine through their work so that their patients may hear You and feel You. Amen.

prayer for the safety of nurses

Prayer to Heal the Body and the Heart

As nurses care for their patients today, Oh Lord, be there with them. Let their words be kind and fill their hands with Your healing touch. Allow everything they do be filled with love so that through them, people will feel and hear You.


prayers to heal the body and the heart

Prayers for Strength and Endurance

Dear God,

Today, there are a lot of nurses who are in dire need of support. They are tired and exhausted in performing their duties. They are underappreciated, overworked, and not being protected enough.

Help nurses endure long hours. You know the sacrifices they make for everyone else and so please, we pray, bless them. Fill them with hope, give them the strength to carry on, and sustain their health. Allow them to refresh themselves and rely on You. We ask that you give them good health as they care for the health of others.

We pray for this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

prayers for strength and endurance

Prayer for Nurses during a Crisis

Dear Lord,
The world is in crisis today and nurses are being strongly challenged. Help them to be the best nurses they can be despite the situation.

Bless them with courage so that they can face the challenges head-on. Bless them with a kind bedside manner so that they can care for their patients with respect and understanding. Guide them in providing expert care while ensuring the comfort of their patients.

Lord, let nurses be the source of strength for their patients and families. Let them be each other’s light in this difficult time. Fill them with energy so that they can power through their shifts. Shower them with love which they can give to every person under their care.


prayer for nurses

Prayer for Health Care Workers

Almighty God,

We lift up our nurses as they go through difficult times. Guide their hands and minds in caring for their patients. Bless them with the understanding and knowledge they need in this situation.

We also ask that you bless them with courage. Give them a sound mind as they make decisions. Bless them with the grace and wisdom they need to provide the best care possible.

We pray for all nurses, physicians, and healthcare providers working hard to support their patients.


prayer for health care workers

A Poem for Nurses

Long before you entered nursing
The Lord had played His part,
Planting seeds of love and kindness
In the portals of your heart.
For it’s clear that you’ve been gifted
With a sympathetic ear,
And blessed from the beginning
With a willingness to cheer.
And the people who you care for
Are better off by far,
When they’re touched by your compassion,
By the person that you are.
For in times of woe and worry
When they’re frightened or they’re blue,
No one could be more consoling than the friend they’ll find in you.

a poem for nurses

Prayer for Nurses Suffering from Burnout

Lord, keep our nurses strong and healthy in every area of their lives. Give them the physical, emotional, and spiritual comfort they need during this challenging time. Protect them, their families, children, and everyone under their care.

Lord, help them to not grow weary in doing good. Do not let them doubt themselves and their purpose in life. And when they start breaking down, lift them up oh Lord.

Bless their hearts and fill them whenever they start coming close to being empty.
