Become a Contributor

If you’re a nurse and you would like your article or write-up to be published on NurseBuff, welcome!

So long as you meet the below easy requirements, you can get published on our website and have your own author bio at the bottom of the article linking to your website. (Bragging rights!)


  1. Article must be original and not published anywhere on the Internet. If you don’t have Copyscape, use a free online tool like EduBirdie’s plagiarism checker.
  2. Should be about nursing; it can be a list of tips or advice, or an account of your own personal experiences
  3. Other nurses should find it useful or can learn something new from it
  4. Should be written well with little or no grammatical mistakes

It’s our wish to create a community and interact more with our readers so we are encouraging everybody — both new and veteran nurses alike — to share your stuff with us.


  • Kindly mail your submittions to [email protected].
  • You can link to sources (if any). However, any promotional links that do not add to the quality of the article will be removed.
  • Be sure to include a short description of yourself at the bottom of your article. You can have one external link in the author bio.
  • We will mail you back within 48 hours with updates.
  • For inquiries, you can send us an email at [email protected] or leave us a Private Message on our Nursebuff FB page.

Thank you very much and looking forward to hear from you!

The NurseBuff Staff

hiring writers