26 Miracle Prayers For A Sick Child

prayer for a sick child

It is always a heartbreak for parents when they see their children getting sick. What few probably know is that their doctors and especially their nurses suffer alongside them. To see children gasping for air or struggling with pain will never be okay. As nurses, we can give the best of care but if you want to send a powerful prayer for the little ones, here is a collection of prayers we’ve put together (and some we’ve written ourselves).

We hope that your little lamb becomes well and gets on the path of quick recovery.

Prayers For Sick Babies

A Short Prayer For A Sick Baby

Thank you, Lord, for giving us a blessing through this child; our bundle of joy who has brought us so much love and inspiration. As we help our child recover from illness, we pray that you bless us with strength and courage to be better parents and caregivers. We pray for your mercy, dear God. Heal this child so that he may continue to be a source of light to us and to others. Amen.

a short prayer for a sick child

Prayer For My Sick Baby

Lord Jesus, we humbly ask for your guidance and strength during these difficult times when our baby is unwell. We pray for your protection and courage so that our spirits never break. We pray that you touch this child with your healing hands so that our precious one regain his energy, his curiosity, his excitement, and his fondness for all the little things. Amen.

a prayer for my sick baby

Prayers for A Sick Child

Prayer For A Sick Child In The Hospital

You’re with us.
Though you are not seen,
We know that you stay by our side.

You love us,
More than we could know,
And you feel each tear that we cry.

We trust you,
To take hold of our hands,
Until we’re recovered and well.

You promise to,
Comfort and care,
Until we are laughing and playing again.

Thank you Jesus.


prayers for a sick child

Prayer To Bring Healing And Comfort To A Sick Child

Lord, you love our child as You love all children, Bring healing to our child who is not well. Stay by his side and comfort him through this trying time. Keep us ever mindful of Your loving presence. Bless us with Your powerful healing and comfort us also. We beg that you hear our prayers. Amen.

prayer to bring healing and comfort to a sick child

Short Prayer For Sick Children

Almighty God, heal your little angels from their afflictions. Ease their discomfort and bring their heavenly smiles back to their faces. Hear our prayer, Lord, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Nurse’s Short Prayer For A Sick Child

Lord, as I care for sick children today, guide me. Hold my hand and use me as an instrument to alleviate their pain and give them comfort. Grant me the wisdom to know the best way to care for them. Lord, use me as a tool for your miracles.

a nurses short prayer for a sick child

A Short Prayer For Sick Children

Dear Jesus,
protect all children from harm.
Ease their pain when sick,
Strengthen them when weak,
and comfort them when afraid.
Let these beautiful, tiny souls feel your divine presence.
We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

a short prayer for sick children

Parents’ Prayer For Their Sick Child

Father in heaven, we pour our hearts as we pray for our child’s health. Unbearable as it may to see a child in pain, our faith will never waver. We believe in your almighty grace, Lord God. Your love and compassion heals all ailments, body and mind. Amen.

a parent prayer for their sick child

Short Prayer For Your Sick Child

Heavenly Father, watch over our child, and grant that he may be restored to that perfect health which it is yours alone to give; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

short prayer for your sick child

Prayer For Children’s Protection

Our God and our Father, protect our children from affliction and harm. Give them comfort when sick, energize their bodies when weak, and soothe their precious hearts and minds when afraid. Hear our prayers in the name of Almighty Jesus. Amen.

prayer for childrens protection

A Prayer For My Sick Child

Almighty God, I pray before you to help my child recover from his illness. Even with his body in distress, it makes us proud that he remains happy and optimistic because he knows God and the angels protect him always. He’s our little hero, our little fighter. His faith in You, our Father, is beautiful. You gave him to us and for that we are grateful. We leave everything in your hands, dear Lord. Amen.

a prayer for my sick child

Prayer For The Recovery Of A Child In Pain

Almighty and most merciful God I bring before You this little child who is suffering such pain and discomfort – and I ask that in Your grace and mercy You would raise them back up into full health and strength and work a speedy recovery.

The Lord Jesus took little children in His arms of love and blessed them and I pray that in a very special way You would put Your arms of love and blessing around this little one and minister to each need and every pain.

Little ones do not understand why they are feeling so poorly and I just ask that You would have compassion for this little child and take away any fear and pain – and multiply Your grace so that they come to a quick and lasting recovery….

Thank You Lord in Jesus name we pray,


a prayer for the recovery of a child in pain

Prayer For Strength For A Sick Child

Heavenly Father,
I lift up my child for healing. As the doctor of all doctors, I ask that you restore him to fullness of health. Give him the strength and the courage to overcome his condition.
He’s too innocent to understand what he’s going through. Dear God, hold his hand and strengthen his spirit. Don’t let his inability to comprehend such challenges stop him from believing in you and your miracles.

prayer for strength for a sick child

Prayer For Hope For A Sick Child

Thank you, dear Lord, for bringing light into our lives through this child, our source of happiness and inspiration, the reason we strive to be the best versions of ourselves. As our family struggles with our child’s sickness, we pray that you endow us with courage and strength so that we can remain strong, because we know our angel stays strong for us too. You are our only hope, Almighty God. Thank you for hearing our prayers, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

prayer of hope for a sick child

Parents’ Prayer For Their Sick Child

Lord Almighty,
The joy of parents is to watch their children grow healthy and strong. Please help me find joy again in seeing my child healthy and strong.
Speak your word of healing and restoration into my child. Give me strength so as not to be weary in this extremely trying time. Rekindle your fire in me so that I may remain faithful and loyal to you and your grace.
Lord, heal my child and restore his good health.

a parents prayer for their sick child

Prayer To Restore Your Sick Child’s Health

O Lord God, I come to You for help and guidance.
Give me grace to bear my child’s sickness with strength and patience.
Bless me, O Father, and restore my child [child’s name] to health.
Do not forsake us, but give us an assurance of Your loving Kingdom.
In the name of Your Holy Son Jesus Christ. Amen.

prayer to restore your sick childs health

A Prayer For Healing For A Sick Child

Our God and our Father, we are praying for the recovery of a sick child. Let your power of healing shine onto this little one, so that he is free of pain and sickness. Let your love be our guiding light and help us better care for this child. We trust in you, God, to foster healing and alleviate our fears and worries. Amen.

a prayer for healing for a sick child

A Prayer For My Sick Child

Loving Lord Jesus, You are the good Shepherd of the sheep and You are the One Who carries the little lambs in Your arms – and gently cares for those that are weak and afraid. Lord it is so hard to watch a child in distress and feel helpless to aid them – but I pray Lord that You would safely carry this little child and tend for him/her as only You can.

I lift up this precious child to You and ask for Your healing power to permeate through his/her frail body and return him/her to radiant health and strength. Relieve all the symptoms of this unpleasant illness that has invaded this little body – guard him/her from danger and may he/she respond to Your healing touch on his/her life.

Thank You that You are a God Who cares and loves little children and that You hear and answer prayers. Keep this precious lamb enfolded in Your arms and resting on Your bosom and raise him/ her back to full health I pray – and we will give You all the thanks and praise for You alone are worthy.


long prayer for my sick child

Prayer For A Sick Child In Pain

Prayer For A Child In Pain

Dear God,
It is heartbreaking to see children sick and in pain.
We pray in your divine grace to help these innocent angels get back to what they do best – explore, play, laugh, and fill the hearts of those around them with hope and joy.
We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

prayer for a child in pain

Prayer For A Sick Child With Overwhelming Pain

Dear God,
Today, I come to you to pray for my child as he struggles with his illness. I’m fully aware of your capability to heal the sick. With that, I am humbly asking that you help my child.
Please protect him and comfort him. Whenever pain and suffering become overwhelming, bring him peace and comfort. Protect him from all anxiety that comes with his condition. Fill him with your holy presence.
We leave everything in your hands, Lord,

prayer for a sick child with overwhelming pain

Prayer For A Sick Child With Severe Illness

Prayer For A Sick Child With Chronic Illness

Dear God, I pray for (child’s name) as he/she deals with this (specific illness) so often. We thank you for every painless moment that our child can enjoy in a day. And when they are suffering, please lay your healing hands on our young one. Please comfort and protect (child’s name) during this hard time. Help them to know that they can come to You for the peace and health that only You can provide.I leave this in Your precious hands oh God my Father. Amen

prayer for a sick child with chronic illness

Prayer For A Sick Child With Threatening Illness

Lord I come to You today to present (child’s name) to You. This very deadly sickness that is upon this child is devastating to all who know and love him/her. Please keep their loving family and caregivers strong in You so that they can be a comfort to this dear little child. Please keep (child’s name) from being scared of what is happening all around him/her.

We pray for mercy that this young child feel only the barest of pain during this ordeal.
We pray for your compassion that you lay your Healing hands on this beloved child.

We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

prayer for a sick child with threatening illness

Prayer For Nurses And Doctors

Prayer For My Child’s Nurses And Doctors

Almighty God,
I ask you to guide the nurses and doctors attending to my child. Grant them the wisdom they need to treat and care for my beloved.
I pray that you fill them with compassion. Comfort their souls whenever they start to feel weary and tired. Fill their hearts with peace and joy as they care for my child. Bless them and help them remain loyal to your merciful love.

a prayer for my childs nurses and doctors

Prayer To the Saints

Prayer To St. Nicholas For A Sick Child

Saint Nicholas, who like the Savior,
loved children so tenderly and gave generously to those in need,
listen to us who plead for this sick child
who is so dear to our hearts.

We pray that He relieve this child of pain
and free him/her from suffering.
Obtain strength when he/she is weary,
hope when discouraged,
and joy when downhearted.
May the Lord, through your intercession,
restore perfect health if such be His divine will.

These favors, we beg of you through your love for all children.


prayer to st nicholas for a sick child

Prayer To St. Gerard For A Sick Child

St. Gerard, who, like the Savior, loved children so tenderly and by your prayers freed many from disease and even death, listen to us who are pleading for our sick child. We thank God for the great gift of our son/daughter and ask Him to restore our child to health if such be His holy will. This favour, we beg of you through your love for all children and mothers.


prayer to st gerard for a sick child

Prayer To St. Jude For A Sick Child

St. Jude, the glorious apostle faithful servant and friend of Jesus,
the patron of hopeless cases of things despaired of,
pray for our child who is sick and so miserable.
Make use we implore you of this particular privilege accorded to you,
to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of.
Come to our assistance in this great time of need,
that I may receive the consolations and succor of Heaven
in all my necessities, tribulations and sufferings,
particularly to help our child to get better from his illness
and to give him good health
and to guide his path,
and that we may bless God with you
and all the elect forever.
I promise you, O Blessed St. Jude,
to be ever mindful of this great favor,
and I will never cease to honor you
as my special and powerful patron
and to do all in my power to encourage devotion to you.


prayer to st jude for a sick child

Before we go to sleep tonight, let’s offer a heartfelt prayer for a sick child somewhere out there.

Helpful Tips In Caring For Chronically Ill Children

Being chronically ill is stressful not just for the kids but for their caregivers, too. Without the right coping skills, they may end up not complying with the kids’ treatment plan. They may even suffer from mental and physical exhaustion.

Here are a few tips you may find useful in caring for children with long-term illnesses:

Be transparent with your child’s sickness and what it entails

When explaining a chronic illness to a kid, it’s important to remain honest. He needs to know that he will be getting lots of care and why. He may also need to undergo several tests and letting them know early on can help reduce their anxiety.

If the child asks you questions about his condition and treatments, give honest and clear answers. Explain in a way that a child can understand.

When it comes to treatments and medications, you also need to explain the possible discomforts that come with them. Don’t say a certain procedure won’t hurt if you know that it will.

Do a balancing act on giving extra care vs dealing with behavioral problems

Kids with serious health issues will need that extra attention and care. This may be tricky to balance with their need to do the usual routines of childhood. As parents, it’s perfectly normal to worry about your sick child.

One of the things that can help you with this is setting limits on behaviors that aren’t acceptable. Sticking with normal routines and avoiding overindulgence are helpful, too.

Open different avenues for communication

Since your child may not be able to do the things normal and healthy kids can, he may have concerns and fears. This makes it important to listen. Let them express their fears and concerns before you bring up your explanations.

You can also find other means of communication. Writing and drawing are great examples. They can help sick kids express their emotions without the need to say the words out loud.

Keep in mind that it’s normal to not have all the answers. If a sick child asks you something and you can’t come up with an explanation, it’s alright to say that you don’t know.

Get the family involved

Taking your sick child to frequent checkups, surgical procedures, and clinic visits can affect everyone’s schedule. It may even take an emotional toll on all family members.

Even with a sick child, you need to try to keep your family’s routine as close to normal as possible. Don’t be afraid to ask for help in handling errands, preparing meals, and even carpooling.

It can also help if you can reach out to your other kids’ school counselors. Share your story and ask them if they can help keep an eye out for any signs of stress or behavioral problems among the other children.

Keeping an extra eye out for sibling stress

This brings us to the next point — the mental health of brothers or sisters. When a child in the family is very sick, it is natural that most of the focus and energy of the moment goes to the sick child. Unfortunately, this may stretch on for weeks or months on end. This results in an imbalance in the attention and care normally given to other members of the family.

Do keep an eye out for behavioral problems or signs of stress from younger or older siblings. Set aside some time to check up on them and as mentioned earlier, get them involved in the process. This will empower them and make them feel useful. It will also help avoid feelings of being neglected or left out.

Don’t forget self-care

Don’t forget to attend to your own needs. Caring for a sick child can make you feel exhausted and drained.

Try to get plenty of rest. You should also not forget to pay attention to your relationships. Talk to your partner. Remember, people have different ways to cope with awful situations. Talk about them and try to use them when dealing with your child’s illness.

Develop a close partnership with your child’s healthcare team

If you are a parent, consider depending on relatives and friends. Ask for help and let them share the responsibilities of caring for your kid. Keep in mind that you can’t do it all.

Try to create a working relationship with health care professionals, too. You are a part of the team that cares for your child so don’t be afraid to ask questions. Try to learn everything that you can about your child’s condition.

And if you are the nurse, remember that you can’t be with your patients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You need to ask the child’s family to actively take part in the child’s care. Teach them what they need to know in caring for a child with chronic illness at home.