40 Spanish Phrases Every Nurse Should Know

spanish for nurses

Believe it or not, having knowledge of foreign languages can make your resume look a lot more impressive. After all, not all nurses can speak another language.

Apart from that, knowing the basics of a foreign language can help you survive a really stressful situation, too. It can even help save lives. Just imagine needing to talk to a patient who doesn’t know how to speak English in an emergency situation and you’ll get the idea.

Now, which language should you consider learning first?

In 2015, there were about 41 million native Spanish speakers in the US and that number should greatly increase by today.

Via theodysseyonline

To help you prepare, here are some basic Spanish phrases that you should know:

Spanish Phrases For Nurses To Introduce Yourself

Hello, my name is ____________ and I’ll be your nurse
Hola, me llamo __________________ y soy su enfermera (o).

What is your name?
Como se llama?

How old are you?
Cuántos años tiene usted?

How are you today?
Como esta hoy?

I don’t speak Spanish very well.
No hablo español muy bien.

Do you speak English?
Habla inglés?

spanish phrase
Via saintambroseschool

Spanish Phrases For Examination And Admission

Sit down please.
Sientese por favor.

Please stand up.
Parese por favor.

Sit up, please.
Siéntese, por favor.

Lean forward.
Inclínese hacia adelante.



Breathe deeply.
Respire profundomente.

Are you in pain?
Tiene dolor?

I am going to take your temperature.
Le voy a tomar su temperatura.

Don’t throw away urine/ stool.
No tire la orina / popo.

Do you feel lightheaded/ dizzy?
Se siente mareado?

Are you pregnant?
Está embarazada?

Have you been in the hospital before?
Ha estado en el hospital antes?

What diseases or medical conditions do you have that you know about? (a) None (b) Diabetes (c) Heart (d) Lungs (e) Kidneys (f) Ulcer (g) High blood pressure (h) Seizures (i) Arthritis
Qué enfermedades o síntomas tiene, de que sepa usted? (a) Ninguna (b) Diabetes (c) Del corazón (d) De los pulmones (e) De los riñones (f)úlceras (g) Presión alta (h) Convulsiones (i) Artritis

What medicines are your allergic to? (a) None (b) Penicillin (c) Tetanus (d) Sulfas (e) Aspirin
A qué medicinas tiene usted alergia? (a) A ninguna (b) A la penicilina (c) A la vacuna contra el tétano (d) A las sulfas (e) la aspirina

What medicines do you take?
Qué medicinas toma?

Where does it hurt? Here?
Dónde le duele? Aqui?

Is it constant pain or does it come and go?
Es un dolor constante o viene y se va?

How long have you had it?
Désde cuándo lo tiene?

Has the pain increased or decreased?
Ha aumentado o disminuído el dolor?


basic spanish phrases
Via zimbio


Other Spanish Phrases That Should Be Useful For Nurses

Speak slowly, please.
Hable despacio por favor.

Repeat, please
Repita, por favor.

I don’t understand.
No entiendo.

I’ll be back in a moment.
Regreso en un momento.

Permit me.

Ud. relájase.

Use the call light if you need help.
Use el botón para ayuda.

Ask for help before you get up.
Llame antes de levantarse.

Do you want to use the restroom?
Quiere ir al baño?

Do you want to take a shower?
Quiere bañarse?

I am going to give you an injection.
Le voy a poner una inyección.

I am going to place an intravenous needle in your arm.
Le voy a poner una agúja intravenosa en el brazo.

Do you have questions?
Tienes preguntas?

Of course, it’s not enough to just know these questions in Spanish. It’s also important to know the possible answers to these questions so you’ll have to study a bit.

Tips On How To Learn Spanish

1Find an app for your mobile phone

Via google play

Nowadays, if you need anything, you can bet that there’s an app for that. For basic Spanish, there’s Learn Spanish by busuu Limited and Learn Spanish with SpeakTribe. To learn Spanish for nurses, check out Medical Spanish Guide & Quiz and Medical Spanish (AUDIO).

There are many other Spanish language apps in the app store so have fun finding the perfect one for you.

Read Also: Nursing Apps: 9 Productivity Tools To Boost Your Job Satisfaction 

2Enlist the help of a Spanish-speaking colleague or friend

Via dreams.metroeve


An app or a book isn’t enough to get you to learn Spanish for real. It has to be used and practiced every day. Ask for help from your Spanish-speaking colleagues and friends so they’ll talk the language with you. Sure you’ll struggle at first. It will probably sound quite funny, but every little step is a step forward in the right direction.

And don’t be shy to try out the introductory phrases on your Hispanic patients. They’ll appreciate it!

3Learn Online

There are websites on the Internet that teach Spanish for Nurses. You can visit PracticingSpanish.com and Homesteadschools.com. The latter has a ghastly blue background which almost made our eyes bleed but the content is great.

4Get a book

Via tumblr

If you’re the type who learns the traditional way, purchase an eBook or a physical book. If possible, choose one with cd’s and flashcards for supplemental learning. Check out Workplace Spanish.

5Keep a handy Spanish/English dictionary on you

Via google play

Or you can do quick Google translate on your mobile phone.

6Sign up for a CE course

Via spanishbookstorehk

While you’re at it, might as well earn a few points for your Continuing Education. Find out where you can earn hours for a course on Spanish for healthcare professionals.

Read Also: An Ultimate Guide to Free Nursing CEUs

If you take the time and effort to learn Spanish for your Hispanic patients, they will definitely appreciate your gesture. It shows them that you care for them enough to make the effort to learn a whole new language.

And if you ever decide to become a travel nurse, a second language will definitely be an advantage!

Do you know of other medical phrases in Spanish? Did we miss other good or free resources? Do tell us if we missed any!