The nursing profession is one overwhelming roller-coaster ride. It’s intense, it’s nauseating, and it makes your heart pound. Despite all these, you just hang in there hoping your safety harness doesn’t break, and finish the ride. One moment you’re dealing with a grumpy doctor and the next thing you know, a demanding patient (not including the relatives) is passionately yelling at you.
The roller coaster of emotions you deal with at work can easily burn you out. And if you’re not careful, you may end up leaving the profession. Now, before you do that, breathe in, breathe out and take these 27 funny nurses quotes by heart. Because at the end of the day, you’re a nurse – and no one deserves a good laugh more than you.
You know you’re a nurse when your finger has gone places you never thought possible.
Being a nurse is weird. I can keep a poker face through trauma but have a mental breakdown over losing my favorite pen.
Yes, I am a nurse. No, I don’t want to look at it.
Once a nurse, always a nurse. No matter where you go or what you do, you can never truly get out of nursing. It’s like the Mafia… you know too much.
Not saying I’m a big deal, but the government classifies me as essential.
How can anybody hate nurses? Nobody hates nurses. The only time you hate a nurse is when they’re giving you an enema.
I love being a nurse, but I mostly love wearing scrubs. They’re basically professional pajamas.
It would not be possible to praise nurses too highly.
Be nice to nurses. They’re the ones who choose your catheter size.
The nurse that can smile when things go wrong… is probably going off duty.
I have restraints and Ativan, and I’m not afraid to use them.
Be nice to me. I dispense the happy pills.
Nursing is not a career… it’s a post-apocalyptic survival skill.
TGIF? Sorry not familiar with that term… I’m a nurse.
I was taught that the most hardworking nurse is found at the dirtiest part of the clinical ward.
Be nice to the Nurses. We keep the doctors from accidentally killing you.
Don’t mess with me. I get paid to stab people with sharp objects.
You can’t cure stupid, but you can sedate it.
I came. I cared. I charted.
You don’t know how many truly crazy people there are in the world until you’ve worked in the medical field.
When I eat too much dessert, I don’t post about it on facebook. If it isn’t charted, it didn’t happen.
Nurse – kind of like a doctor but nicer
You think Mondays are bad? Try working weekends, holidays, and 12-hour nights!
The sign outside says ‘HOSPITAL’, not ‘NARCOTIC BUFFET, ALL YOU CAN EAT’.
Nursing school is a lot like giving birth. Once it’s over, you just tend to forget just how painful the process was.
While that is correct, it is not the most correct. – Nursing School
“Do you need help repositioning the patient?” – offered by no doctor ever.