10 Tips for Travel Nurses with Pets


Friends with four paws not only provide comfort and companionship, but they can also be a great source of security in a new environment. Due to their work’s demand, travel nurses cannot leave their treasures at home – the idea of bringing them along can be both exciting and effortless.

Below are 10 tips that can help travel nurses with pets:

1Adequate Preparation

Depending on the mode of a trip you chose, bringing a friend with four paws along requires necessary preparation. Here are some of the things a traveling nurse will require to pack:

  • Documents

Carrying your pet’s medical, vaccine records and any other documents containing your pet’s health history is recommended in case one requires to visit a vet. It is also necessary to ensure that your friend with four paws is vaccinated as required by the laws of the state or country you are going to.

  • Pet Travel Accessories

Going on a trip with your treasure requires bringing their accessories with them. Pet travel bags are portable, easy to use and some can carry a lot of stuff like toys and food. Pet travel accessories make it convenient for travel nurses since they are mostly on the go.

  • Research

Whether traveling by bus or flying, it is necessary to find out if animals are allowed. If you chose to fly, make sure you are comfortable with the airline policies since friends with four paws and owners fly separately. Find out the dos and don’ts for international travel with pets way before your travel date.


Most pets are playful and curious which increases their chances of getting lost. This can be stressful for a traveling nurse, especially in an unfamiliar environment. Animals should travel with tags which contain the necessary information in case they get lost. Microchips are modern alternatives to tags.

3How do Pets Travel on Airplanes?

So how do pets travel on airplanes? Different airlines have varying guidelines and policies when it comes to transporting animals. International travel with pets policies are more strict than local ones. If your friend with four paws is small enough, they can fit in an airline compliant pet carrier; however, larger darlings fly in the cabin.

Various airlines will require animals to have reached a certain age before traveling. A great number require the pets to be at least 15 weeks old before traveling internationally.
Airline Veterinarian Health Certificate is a requirement of many airlines. It is necessary to make inquiries in order to comply with the guidelines.

For comfort while flying, you should buy the right crate size for your treasure that is large enough for them to stretch, stand and breathe properly. For easier identification, the crate should be labeled.

4Health Certificate for Pet Travel

These allow animals to go on a trip with ease between countries without being subjected to quarantine. These are official documents containing a specific animal’s health record. The health certificate for pet travel has to be signed by an officially approved veterinarian surgeon proving that the animal had a rabies vaccination.

5Public Transport

Public transport is a fast and cheap way for travel nurses to get to their destination. They vary from buses/subways and trains. National train travel is mostly restricted to service animals, however, the bus can be a great backup for going on a trip with a four paws friend.

Although many buses allow animals, they have in place bus travel with pets rules and regulations based on breed and size.

A good way to skip all that is to travel with pets in your car. It is necessary to have the right pet travel accessories like leashes, collars, favorite toys and treats. Pets may need emergency kits, anxiety medication, extra food and water. Getting baggies for your dog and the best self cleaning litter box for your cat can make the journey smooth.

6Travel Litter Box

Cats are not easy to understand since they always exhibit unpredictable behavior. It is necessary to ensure that they are comfortable and safe as they going on a trip. Travel litter boxes are convenient, portable, easy to clean and store during the journey.

Disposable litter boxes are disposed of after a single use. Some are organic and biodegradable making them safe for the environment. Find out which travel litter box works for you and your pet.

7Give your Pets Time to Adapt

Sometimes, animals can be confused by changes in their environment. It is necessary to let your pet adjust to the change using comfort items like familiar toys, litter boxes, mats and blankets. Leaving doors and windows open might give your pets a chance to go outside, and they’ll probably get lost while looking for their way back home.

8Pet Friendly Houses

Traveling with a pet means that you have made all the necessary preparations to accommodate your friend in your new place. How much do travel nurses make? This is a question since they are going to be responsible for themselves and the pet.

Travel nurses can choose to stay in hotels or find cheap housing that is conducive for their pet. Many affordable hotels and landlords allow pets as long as they do not compromise the comfort of other guests or tenants.

See Also: The Do’s and Don’ts of Traveling Nurse Housing

9Scout Your Area

Taking your friend for a walk can be a great way to explore the area, for example, finding pet friendly areas, restaurants, public amenities and parks. You can also scout for veterinarians and pet food sellers around you.

10Find Trustworthy Pet Sitters

Some pets like dogs require grooming, feeding and exercise. Travel nurses work for long hours so getting an honest pet sitter is necessary.

See Also: 11 Best Dog Breeds For Nurses Who’ve Always Wanted Pet Dogs


Travel nurses may tag along their pets for companionship; however, they should be considerate of other travelers. Some are allergic to certain animals while others just consider them unhygienic.

We’d like to hear from you; which pets do you think would be convenient for travel nurses? Let us know your top picks in the comments.

Author’s bio:
Betti Wilson is a vet student and a traveler also. She just cannot imagine a trip without her beloved pet by her side, and allpetsexpert.com helps her a lot to organize the comfortable journey. Besides caring for her pet, the author loves to read and to cook.