Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Date A Nurse

reasons why you should date a nurse

Valentine season is fast approaching and I’m sure it’s every couple’s agenda to make their Valentine date as memorable as possible. And while the rest of the pack is thinking that nurses have  no time for this romantic meeting of two, our very busy nurses think otherwise.

Related article: Top 20 Funniest Pick-Up Lines for Nurses

They might be dedicated in doing their daily Nursing tasks but they still have their own definition of “love-life balance” intact. So if you’re planning to date one, don’t be discouraged but be thrilled even more.

Why? Simply because a nurse is one heck of a lover and a person who will always bring special treats and surprises  on the table.

Here are the top 5 reasons why you should consider dating a nurse:


1. They can be the best cure for your hangover and the most adorable first-aid provider in town.

Are you going to date a nurse? Well, I’m gonna throw all my worries and stresses away if I were you.

No need to fret hangover because an expert will be on your side and ready to give you effective ways to get over it. Of course, your dear nurse will know first hand that coffee is not the best cure for it so you better be passive and play the patient role.

Furthermore, if you or someone on the other table accidentally choke during your date, your dear nurse is so ready for the adrenaline rush that he/she will be done doing Heimlich maneuver after a few seconds.

You don’t need to fear for other spur-of-the-moment incidents because you have your own nurse ready as usual for anything that might come your way. Remember, nurses didn’t get those first aid certifications for nothing.


2. You won’t hear “Eeeewww”  when they see blood or disgusting body fluids.

For a well-exposed nurse, blood and pus are commonplace that they already think of squirting blood as something boring. Show your wounded blood to your non-Nursing friends and they will surely puke; show it to your nurse-lover and you will have your wounds cleaned and dressed like its a work of art.

Nurses are always on the go and open for new and exciting things. So if ever you have a broken heart, feel free to approach a nurse and he/she will mend it for you like its the most special emergency case.
reasons why you should date a nurse
3. They wont be disgusted by your toilet habits.

You don’t have to pretend to be Mr. or Ms. Perfect when you love a nurse. Believe me, they have seen all imperfections that a typical human being has to offer; name it, a nurse has encountered it.

You can even fart while with a nurse and she will just answer it with a smile. A nurse looks at a person as a whole and provide holistic care despite that person’s flaws and bad habits. A good nurse is a nurse  that is not judgmental so if you are dating one, just be yourself.


4.  They can be your own personal Google/medical dictionary.

Dating and loving a nurse give you a lot of advantages. One of these is the fact that if you’re lost with medical terms mentioned in Grey’s Anatomy, confused with what’s written on your doctor’s prescription, or in a serious search for the definition of Hirschsprung’s disease, you don’t need to look any further. Your own nurse is willing to answer almost all your medical questions as detailed as possible.

Of course, they don’t know everything but at least it will save you a serious amount of time.


5. They are great listeners and counselors.

Nurses are not robots programmed only to give medications and assist doctors. They are compassionate people ready to talk to every patient regarding their situation and give some pieces of advice that are vital for their swift recovery.

Just so you know, this is what nurses call as “therapeutic relationship”. The good news is that if you love or dating a nurse, you already have your own personal confidante, friend, and counselor ready to catch you every time you fall. It might sound so cheesy but nurses have all the qualifications to take care of your heart and emotions. They are willing to give a part of their selves to people they really love and care about.

If they can do it to their patients, there is no reason for your nurse not to willingly do it for you.