30 Nurse’s Prayers That Will Inspire Your Soul

nurses prayer

Nursing as a profession requires a great deal of sacrifice. They see and experience other people’s pain and suffering on a daily basis. They make sure that every patient receives care and medical attention. They work hard and endure long hours of fatigue. Despite all this, they have to be strong not only for themselves but also for others. They provide hope and comfort to those afflicted while they struggle themselves.

Suffice to say, it’s hard to be a nurse. One must have not only skills and knowledge, but also patience, compassion, and dedication to serve others. That’s why with everything they have to give, nurses can feel exhausted, frustrated, and even neglected. During the toughest of days, they feel hopeless and powerless.

If today were one of the hardest days you’ve had to go through, here are inspiring nurses’ prayers that can help restore your spirits and determination. And for all nurses going through utmost exhaustion and despair, hang in there. Your selflessness and compassion make the world better than it was yesterday.

A Nurse’s Prayer for Guidance

As I care
for my patients today
be there with me O’Lord
I pray
Make my words kind
it means so much
And in my hands
place your healing touch
Let your love
shine through all I do
so those in need
may hear and feel you

a nurses prayer for guidance

A Nurses Prayer for Strength and Compassion

Almighty God,
Divine Healer of all, grant me,
Your handmaiden, strength and courage in my calling.
Give to my heart compassion and understanding.
Give to my hands skill and tenderness.
Give to my mind knowledge and wisdom.
Especially, Dear Lord,
help me always to remember the true purpose of my vocation,
that of selfless service and dedication to the weak and despairing in body and spirit.

a nurses prayer for strength and compassion

A Nurse’s Prayer for Healing

Let me dedicate my life today,
in the care of those who come my way.
Let me touch each one with healing hand,
and the gentle art for which I stand.
And then tonight when the day is done,
Let me rest in peace,
If I’ve helped just one.

a nurses prayer for healing

A Nurse’s Prayer to Cure and Comfort

Lord, guide my heart, hands and words each day as I care for your children on earth. Help me to provide comfort and compassion at just the right times. When my day is over Lord, allow me sufficient rest to keep me strong. Thank you Lord, for all your blessings.

a nurses prayer to cure and comfort

A Nurse’s Prayer for Bravery in the Face of Adversity

Dear Lord,
Please give me strength,
to face the day ahead.

Dear Lord,
Please give me courage,
as I approach each hurting bed.

Dear Lord,
please give me wisdom
with every word I speak.

Dear Lord,
Please give me patience,
as I comfort the sick and weak.

Dear Lord,
Please give me assurance,
as the day slips into night.
That I have done the best I can,
that I have done what is right.

a nurses prayer for bravery in the face of adversity

A Nurse’s Prayer for Preservation of Life

Dear Lord, let me receive the sick and traumatized with an open and giving heart. Give to my efforts success so that life may continue, if it be your will. Without you I can not succeed. Let me have no purpose except the glorification of life. Grant that the sick that you have placed in my care be abundantly blessed, and not one of them be lost because of any neglect on my part. Help me to overcome every temporal weakness so that I may serve to my fullest capacity. Let me always reach out in joy, compassion and with a loving heart for all. Amen.

a nurses prayer for preservation of life

A Nurse’s Daily Prayer

Lord, guide my hands and my heart… as I care for my patients today.

a nurses daily prayer

A Nurse’s Prayer for a Gentle Heart and a Strong Spirit

Give to my heart, Oh Lord…
Compassion and understanding.
Give to my hands skill and tenderness.
Give to my ears the ability to listen.
Give to my lips words of comfort.

Give to me, Lord…
Strength for this selfless service.
And enable me to give hope
To those I am called to serve.


nurses prayer for a gentle heart and a strong spirit

A Nursing Prayer to Serve the Sick

Dear God, we pray to you today
To heal our patients come what may
Bless my work and all that I do
That in my heart your love will be true.

a nursing prayer to serve the sick

A Nurse’s Prayer for Divine Enlightenment

Dear LORD,
As I comfort and care
for my patients each day,
be there with me, I do pray.
Make my words kind
for it means so much,
and place in my hands,
the healing touch.
In each choice I make
give me wisdom anew,
and let your love shine
in all that I do.

a nurses prayer for divine enlightenment

A Nurse’s Prayer to Alleviate Pain and Despair

LORD, please help me bring comfort where there is pain… courage where there is despair… acceptance when the end is near, and a gentle touch, with tenderness, patience and love. In your name, I pray. Amen.

a nurses prayer to alleviate pain

See Also: 50 Best Bible Verses for Nurses

A Nurse’s Prayer for Courage and Miracles

Lord, please give me your strength & healing touch this day… That I might make a difference in every life you send my way.

a nurses prayer for courage and miracles

A Nurse’s Prayer for Renewed Strength and Devotion

When I falter, give me courage. When I tire, renew my strength. When I weaken because I’m human, Inspire me on to greater length. If doctors and patients become demanding, And days are too short for all my duty, Help me remember I chose to serve, To do so with grace, and spiritual beauty. In humility, Lord, I labour long hours, and though I sometimes may fret; My mission is mercy. Abide with me, that I may never forget.

a nurses prayer to renewed strength and devotion

A Nurse’s Prayer for Patience

Let me be patient,
let me be kind,
make me unselfish
without being blind.

I may have faith,
to make mountains fall,
but if I lack LOVE
then I am nothing at all.

a nurses prayer for patience

A Nurse’s Prayer for Strength and Grace

Precious Lord, I’m weary after a long day. Fill me up afresh and restore my soul. Help me to release my cars into Your hands and wrap myself up in Your promises. Surround me with Your tender mercies ’till I know in my soul that more rests on Your shoulders than on mine. I can rest in Your grace and trust in Your love. Help me to sleep deeply and sweetly tonight and wake up full of expectancy, ready to face the day tomorrow. Amen.

nurses prayer for strength and grace

A Prayer for Nurses’ Healing and Renewed Spirits

Lord Jesus, heal me. Heal in me whatever You see needs healing. Heal me of whatever might separate me from You. Heal my memory, heal my heart, heal my emotions, heal my spirit, heal my body, heal my souls. Lay Your hands gently upon me and Heal me through Your love for me. Amen.

a prayer for nurses healing and renewed spirits

A Nurse’s Prayer for Faith and Vigor

Our Father,
Sometimes the cares of the day
seem to multiply, while the
blessings fade so quickly.
Our bodies grow tired
and our minds even more tired.
Jesus, help us.
Give us the strength You’ve promised
in Your Word.
Give us the power
to take the next step.
Give us your grace…
for we know that in our weaknesses
Your strength is revealed,
May we receive it today.

a nurses prayer for faith and vigor

A Nurse’s Prayer for Patience and Wisdom

Lord, I ask that You would give me and each of my nursing colleagues the patience, wisdom and the grace to deal with the people with whom we will come in contact today and an understanding of how to deal with the varied ailments and illness that they are facing. Give each of us a gentle attitude and the ability to allay unfounded fears, calm troubled hearts and support those that are weary and afraid. This we pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

a nurses prayer for patience and wisdom

A Nurse’s Prayer Before Starting the Day

My God and my Father, as I start my day, I know I’ll face pain and suffering. I know I’ll be exhausted and break down inside. But I also know I have to keep going. I have to keep going because my work is important as it is beautiful. Sometimes, it may not feel like it but I know that I’m making a difference in someone else’s life by giving them care and compassion. As I start my day doing the work that I do, I pray that you give me strength and courage to withstand any difficulties and focus on celebrating my patients’ lives through kindness and devotion. This I pray in the name of Jesus, amen.

a nurses prayer before starting the day

A Nursing Prayer for Acceptance and Peace

Most precious and loving God.
I pause in this moment, expressing my sadness and disbelief.
You O Lord gave me the gift of compassion, the skill and talent to minister, yet in this moment I feel the sadness and loss for the patient you allowed me to serve.
I pause in this moment and remember the subtle smile, the cheerful Hello and the whispers to thank you.
Be gracious O Lord.
Allow the loving moments to linger, the pain to flee and the blessed assurance that your comfort is more than enough for me and the family member who have walked this road.
I have given it my all and have shared in the healing process.
Strengthen as only you can for I need your guidance. Lead me o a brighter day.
For I have touched your love, shared your creation and I am grateful for the tears in my eyes that allowed me to see the rainbow of a life you have given.
Bless, I pray, this day. Amen.

a nursing prayer for acceptance and peace

A Prayer for Overwhelmed Nurses

Dear Father,
I’m coming to You today as a tiny child.
One who too often tries
to hold all of her belongings alone.
The burden is too large to bear…
My frail shoulders weaken with the weight
And my heart grows anxious.
You said we would have trouble in this world.
But You also said: Take heart;
I have overcome the world.
Would you help me remember
that You are the Overcomer
while I am the overwhelmed?
Would you give me the grace
to accept my own limitations
And the faith to accept your unlimited power?
Would you reveal your incredible love once again
that I might soak up its glory?
For it is when your love and power and glory
saturate my spirit
that I am revolutionized
from overwhelmed to overjoyed.
In the name of Jesus, Amen.

a prayer for overwhelmed nurses

An Army Nurse’s Prayer for Courage and Protection

Hear my prayer in silence before thee
As I ask for courage each day.

Grant that I be worthy of the sacred pledge of my profession
And the lives of those entrusted in my care.

Help me offer hope and cheer in the hearts of men and my country –
For their faith inspires me to give the world and nursing my best.

Instill in me the understanding and compassion of those who led the way –
For I am thankful to you for giving me this life to live.

an army nurses prayer for courage and protection

A Nurse’s Prayer During Tough Times

Dear Lord, give me an understanding heart I pray, and fill my lips with words of comfort and encouragement, as I deal with the nursing duties that I am called upon to do, and especially Lord, when I am confronted with uncooperative patients or unsympathetic doctors.

Be with me I pray, as I care for the patients in my charge today, and I ask that You would guide my tongue from hasty words. Give me grace and wisdom, when I am called upon to deal with the irritations of patients that complain and make me sensitive towards those that try to hide their fears behind a mask of indifference.

Let Your love shine through me today, and pour Your compassion into my heart, so that I may bring comfort and joy into the lives of different people today.

Lord, I pray that I may do my very best today, simply because You are there to lead and guide in all things. In Jesus’ name I pray,


a nurses prayer during tough times

A Nurse’s Prayer for Wisdom

Dear Father God, please guide me as I begin my work today, I pray. Inspire and grant me Your grace and wisdom with all those that are sick and suffering, and use me to be a light in a darkened world and refreshment to souls that are weary.

Give me the grace to deal with whatever I may encounter today, and help me to be use of You to minister healing and help to hurting people, both physically and in other ways.

Use me I pray, to be Your hands, and help and guide me in the things that I should say and keep me I pray, from speaking out, when quietness would be more appropriate. I look to You as my help and guide in Whom I place my trust. In Jesus’ name I pray,


a nurses prayer for wisdom

A Prayer to Honor the Nursing Vocation

Father God, I thank You that You have brought me into this great profession of nursing and I pray that You would be with me today and with all my nursing colleagues. Give each one of us the strength and gentleness we need to deal with the many and varied duties we will be called upon to face today.

Help us all to demonstrate genuine care for our patients and may our actions and attitudes give the reassurance and comfort that so many seek. Help us to understand the fears that so often flood the minds of the patient who comes under our particular charge, and I pray that You would give me an opportunity to share forth Your love, both by my words and in my actions. In Jesus’ name I pray,


prayer to honor the nursing vocation

A Nurse’s Prayer for Compassion

Dear Lord, help me to be able to give hope to those that are worried and comfort to those that are sorrowing. Help me to lift up those that are weary and be compassionate and tender towards those that are upset.

Help me to be both compassionate and encouraging to all who cross my path and may my life demonstrate the joy of the Lord to all with whom I come in contact. I pray that I may be a real blessing in their lives and draw me ever closer to Your heart of love, as I continue in the work into which You have graciously placed me. In Jesus’ name I pray,


a nurses prayer for compassion

A Prayer and Appreciation for Nurses

Dear Heavenly Father, how I thank You for those men and women who have dedicated themselves to nursing the sick and dying, and I pray that You would give them strength and grace as they tend to the ailments, injuries and illnesses of so many people in their care.

Give them the strength and courage to be able to face the many hurts and health problems of those that come into their clinics or hospital, and I ask that You would give them wisdom and patience to tend to the sick with kindness, and to be able to minister graciously to those that are facing problems or severe illnesses.

Father, I pray that You would bestow on them the strength, dedication and skill that’s needed to face the many challenges to their nursing training and skills, especially when they are weary or tired. And I pray that You would use those nurses that are Your children to be a true witness to Your love and grace. In Jesus’ name,


a prayer and appreciation for nurses

A Nurse’s Prayer for God’s Healing Presence

Jesus, you are the Healer
who calls all nurses to serve and to care for people in your name.
As we carry out this holy ministry, be with us,
bless us with the wisdom of your Holy Spirit
and fill us with the compassion
that allows us to put the needs of those we serve before all else.
In the midst of this highly technological and often impersonal age
Let us not forget that nursing is fundamentally about being with people in need.
It is about touch … a listening presence … a willing and compassionate heart
that sees beyond symptoms and signs of illness
to a person in need and to their community of concern.
Help us to embrace the charism that is nursing … to make it our own
and in so doing to bring your healing presence into the lives of people in need.
In your holy name we pray.

a nurses prayer for god healing presence

A Nurse’s Prayer to Strengthen Your Mind and Spirit

Dear Lord, give me strength today. As I approach each patient, please fill me with wisdom and help me utter comfort words.
Encourage me when I falter and renew my strength when I tire. When the demands of my job increase and the days become longer, please give me the grace to serve better.
Give me patience even as I comfort the sick. May those placed in my care be blessed through my service.
Help my patients and me to pull through every difficult situation that may present itself. May your providence be our hope and joy.
At the end of each day, let me rest in the assurance that I have done the right thing. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

a nurses prayer to strengthen your mind and spirit

A Prayer for Rejuvenation

Father, thank you for crowning my life with your blessings. You have been gracious, strengthening me every day.
I commit my physical, emotional, and mental health to you. I pray that, Lord, you minister comfort and grant me good health.
I surrender every depressing situation to you. Arise, O Lord, and help me.
Give me the power to cope and overcome whatever situation that’s beyond me. Resolve the mess in my life and help me regain a healthy balance.
My patients need me to be healthy to take good care of themselves. Heal me from mental and physical exhaustion and renew my sense of purpose. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

a prayer for rejuvenation

Start your day right by saying and sharing these nurse’s prayers.