Nursing isn’t an easy profession. You need to be physically and mentally strong if you want to make it through those 12-hour shifts. Having a good sense of humor also helps.
Humor and laughter can help alleviate some of the pressure at work. They can help ease stress, too!
If you are having a rough day at work or you simply need something to make you laugh out loud, turn to these funny nursing memes. These are memes only nurses can understand.
1. Nurses love their pens!
2. I was only gone two minutes!
3. Do you want to place a foley?
4. That’s my face.
5. The atiVAN!
6. Funny things patients say
Also read: 30 Funniest Things Patients Say
7. Two thumbs up!
8. Living dangerously
9. The look I give to my patients when they say that they are allergic to all medications except Dilaudid!
10. I volunteer as Tribute!
11. Expectation versus reality
12. Oh the woes of a nurse!
13. It would be fun they said…
14. What happened??!
15. Never ever say the “Q” word!
Is this nursing superstition an urban myth or is it real?
16. Let’s just stand right here in this corner.
17. Holy $#!
18. Really????
19. Here’s an A1C test!
20. That moment…
21. Patients say the darndest things
22. Nurse, my love for you is like…
23. Yeah, try changing a colostomy bag!
24. How I feel when…
25. Hey girl… when I think of you…
Also Read: Top 20 Pick-up Lines for Nurses
26. This must be a dream and I’m asleep
27. A good reason to be a nurse
28. More pick up lines for that special nurse in your heart
29. Peace out!
30. Nurses sometimes break the rules!
31. Finally!
32. Just try it!
33. “Pretendinitis”!
34. Exactly how I feel when coming out of isolation room!
35. A bit off color but it’s Captain Picard!
36. Been asked that a lot of times!
37. All about clinical placements
38. Say hello to the triage nurse
39. Just try it one more time I tell you
40. You tell it like it is Forrest
41. Finally!
42. Funny things patients say… all the time
43. The look that I give to my patients when they say that they haven’t pooped in days!
44. Let it go! Let it go!
45. Shake that booty!
46. Funny things patients do and say
47. Totally the luck of the draw
48. I hope someday some handsome, hot guy says that to me!
49. Welcome to nursing school!
50. What a nurse learns to NEVER say during shift…unless you want to be mobbed by your co-nurses
51. Hide yo drinks! Hide yo snacks!
52. Charge nurses be like…
53. Hahaha! The look that I give…
54. You know you’re a nurse when…
Also Read: 250 Funny Reasons You Know You’re A Nurse
55. Been there, done that…
56. The look my face gets when…
57. What the…!
58. The REAL life of a nursing major
59. Amen!
60. I dare you!
61. Definitely C diff!
62. Patients and their annoying relatives
63. Eat? Pee?
64. That look!
65. Running wild and free
66. Ooopppss! Sorry!
67. The woes of night shift duty
68. Oh no! Panic face!
69. Yeah, we’ve said it practically a million times
70. Clearly photoshopped! Or else it’s an alternate dimension
71. Night shift problems!
72. Never ever say “It sure is quiet now”.
One of our favorite nursing memes.
73. Yep, old folks can certainly be like this!
74. This shouldn’t be a surprise anymore but…
75. My poor innocent nurse’s finger…
76. When patients go crazy and you check the calendar… seriously…
77. Let me play you the song of my people!
78. Welcome!
79. Makes me want to cry!
80. If you could only… nurses can dream…
81. The mystical mysteries of nursing
82. Seriously? Is this a real question?
83. More pickup lines for us lovely nurses
84. More woes of night shift nursing

85. No more admits! No more admits!
86. Sure, I promise!
87. Nurse problems
88. One more time please!
89. Jump for joy! Celebrations!
90. Hahaha!
91. Everyone hits the jackpot
92. Go back to sleep after I check up on you every 2 minutes
93. The transformation of night shift nurses
94. You might not be able to fix stupid but…
95. More funny things patients say
96. Really perfect timing for an itch!
97. Nursing school problems!
98. Sorry, I’m not allowed to say!
99. You’ll surely sing this when you use the lift!
100. That’s too long! LOL!
101. Help!
Nursing is a very unique profession. We’ve got challenges that nobody in their line of work have.
How about you? Do you have any other favorite nursing memes that need to be on this list? Tell us in the comments section!