Contrary to what most people believe in, Nursing is far from boring. It’s actually a very dynamic career. Each day, there’s always something new to learn, new people to meet, and new situations to overcome.
With stress, long hours at work, and staffing issues, however, nurses may not always have an enjoyable time at work.
So, to bring back the smile on your face, here are the funniest nursing quotes and ecards we collected just for you. Have fun!
Related Article: Top 10 Funny Nursing Quotes To Brighten Up Your Day
1I pledge allegiance to nursing …
2We do like our job, most of the time, and we do prefer nights to days but yea it’s a killer!
3Only those in the medical field would understand…
4Because nurses have seen the grossest things known in human history….
6Oh so true…..
7Here’s for a happy nursing week..
8So true!
9Or waitresses, housekeepers…
10LOL. So true!
11That’s right!
12More like 50-60 hours a week and yeah…
13Wahaha! This one’s epic.
Also Read: NICU Nursing 101 – A Definitive Guide to Becoming A Neonatal Nurse
15Yeah right….
16Nurses know this…
17The life of a nurse…
19Damn right!
20Funny nursing quote… from a bitchy nurse..
21Because patient is always right?
23WARNING: Don’t disturb a busy nurse.
24So true….
25Haha!! All nurses think this when speaking to a doctor!
27Please, do tell! lol
28So mean…LOL
29That phone call…
31Treat your nurses well…
32I want a decontamination shower installed before I enter my house….
Also Read: 100 Funniest Nursing Memes on Pinterest – Our Special Collection